I have a long body, short legs, and my main trouble spot is my stomach. How do I dress that and not look like a mess thrown together? That thought is why I'm starting a series on how to dress for your body type! Have you ever read those body shape profiles, (if you look like this, you're pear shaped, or you are an hourglass, etc.)? I've never fit it any one specific category. Instead I'll talk about how to dress in a way that compliments what you have, and leads the eyes away from what you don't like.
I have a lot of experience with my particular shape, so I'll start with that, for this week!
1. Focus on what you like! I prefer if the focus is off my stomach, and instead on an asset! (My shoulders are really nice!) I like to wear tops with decorative, or eye catching shoulders that lead the eyes right up, and off my problem area! 2. Wear an allover print so there's nothing specific for the eye to focus on. 3. The same can be said about a solid color. If the entire thing is uniform, the focus becomes on what's different. That could be the neckline, or a necklace. Something to break up the visual! 4. Wear a necklace! Draw those eyes up and away from the problem area! 5. Avoid tops that twist or wrap right on the problem spot. That draws the eyes right in, when we're trying to draw them away. 6. Wear something you won't have to tug on, or feel uncomfortable in. Clothes that you don't have to think about, and that just fit!
I hope you liked my tips. Stay tuned as I'll continue on with this series, and tackle different body types, and how to dress for yours!
We'll talk soon! Laura

Ruffle sleeves

Allover print with a v-neck